What the experts say

European almond production respects the environment, which is what makes it one of the most sustainable sectors in the world.

Want to find out more?

Listen to the experts!


 What is the importance and effect of soil management in almond orchards in the Iberian Peninsula?

Live plant cover is a management system that keeps the soil covered with vegetation for an annual period.

How are the most appropriate species determined?

What is the implementation and control process of these plant covers?


What role does innovation play in the different phases of the almond production process?

What technological advances are applied during the process?

Is it possible to grow while taking care of the environment?


What is the sector doing to promote the rational use of water?

How do almond orchards contribute to respect for biodiversity?

What is the best way to take care of almond trees?


What is the social and economic importance of the almond sector for rural areas in the Iberian Peninsula?

Do you think that creating business opportunities in areas threatened by depopulation contributes to young people staying in these areas? And what does this mean in terms of maintaining the rural population?

Is the sector making an effort to increase its positive impact on society?


How do producers and the industry guarantee the safety and quality of Iberian almonds until they reach the end consumer?

How has the industrial sector evolved in terms of sustainability and what is its commitment to the environment?

How has the almond industry evolved in terms of profitability?